Privacy prevails and cypherpunks write code at Baltic Honeybadger

Bitcoins spirit animal is the honey badger. Bitcoin evangelist turned Bitcoin Cash promoter Roger Ver first popularized the meme in 2013 when he paid $1,500 a month for a billboard in California to show “Bitcoin is the Honey Badger of Money.” Ever since, the honey badger has actually been an elusive beast, sometimes appearing in tweets and memes along with at its annual hunt on the Baltic Coast of Europe.A Baltic Honeybadger sighting thrills even the most hardcore Bitcoiners. Residing on a diet of red meat and Latvian beer, prowling near cypherpunk stages and typically spotted skulking over a computer system screen checking and rewording lines of code, the Baltic Honeybadger attractions cypherpunks and Bitcoin (BTC) supporters alike.Content developers Rikki and Laura posture with the honey badger. Source: Bitcoin ExplorersThe Baltic Honeybadger conference began in 2017 when speakers Andreas Antonopoulos and Elizabeth Stark graced the phase. As “one of the most OG Bitcoin conference,” the Riga-based occasion elevates privacy, cypherpunk and anti-surveillance concepts. Personal privacy is a human rightThese principles emerged on the Cypherpunk Stage. Regularly packed or with standing space only, the Cypherpunk Stage was strictly off-limits for cams, recording gadgets and live streams. A group of “Bitcoin Bears” (aka, security personnel) watched over the Honeybadger audience. No tweets, media or pictures would venture onto the internet– all the action stayed in the space. Entryway to the Cypherpunk Stage. Source: Bitcoin Lyon, AuroreDuring the conference opening, Max Keidun, founder of Honeybadger and CEO of Hodl and Debifi, revealed that any visitors discovered recording or photographing the Cypherpunk Stage would be tossed out of the conference and prohibited from Honeybadger for life. He added: “We do not joke in Eastern Europe.”These principles permeated throughout the conference. Lots of guests wore badges specifying their desire to avoid images, the conference goodie bag consisted of a privacy-centric bandanna, and it was typical to hear people ask one another, “Are you doxed?”– essentially significance, “Is your identity shared or hid online?”Freedom of speech was also important. One of the Cypherpunk Stage talks by Bitcoin activist Rikki compared some elements of Bitcoin in El Salvador to central bank digital currencies. Giacomo Zucco, a Bitcoin educator, described how “midwits” can obstruct of Bitcoin. With comical intentions, he highlighted that lower-intelligence Bitcoin supporters, or “80 IQ plebs,” are a force for excellent, while “midwits” journey up over nuance and fail to see the bigger picture.Nonetheless, regardless of its OG allure, the Honeybadger might be under danger of extinction. Numerous Bitcoin conferences all over the world have been converted into social networks moments and selfie chances thanks to the growing mainstream beauty of Bitcoin and the propulsion of telegenic Bitcoin advocates such as Michael Saylor, Natalie Brunell and Jack Mallers onto tv screens throughout the United States. Rigel Walshe of Swan Bitcoin stated the Bitcoin 2021 conference in Miami felt like a Christian rock festival. Why else would countless young people come together to enjoy crusty old guys talk about mystical concepts such as sound money or salvation, he joked.Rigel Walshe compared and contrasted Bitcoin and religion.If Miamis Bitcoin conference was a rock celebration, Honeybadger was a dive bar, where anything was up for conversation, from nuclear war to Miniscript, from human rights to hamster wheels. (Yes, all of these topics were talked about during talks.)Additionally, unlike the large crypto conferences, Bitcoins rate was rarely mentioned– sparing one panel on the first day. The conversation, “When 100K?,” saw Blockstream CEO Adam Back double down on his claim that Bitcoin would hit all-time highs before the Bitcoin halving in April 2024. The panel ultimately developed into a discussion about macroeconomics.Lightning strikes RigaAs with all Bitcoin conferences, the side events and unofficial shenanigans took the show. The team from Nostr, a decentralized procedure whose very first version proposes an alternative to X (formerly Twitter), hosted occasions and controlled discussion.A celebration organized and fundraised via Nostr Zaps– Bitcoin suggestions over Nostr– liquidated the weekend. All funds to support the open bar, purchase pizzas and sponsor a live show with leased instruments were crowdfunded and zapped over the Lightning Network in the days leading up to the conference. Derek Ross, a Nostr developer, explained that “purple-pilling” goes hand in hand with “orange-pilling” during another talk. Being orange-pilled methods understanding Bitcoin, while being purple-pilled means comprehending Nostr.Francis presents Chain Duel.Elsewhere, Portuguese developer Francis established a Chain Duel competition. Chain Duel is a social Bitcoin game that integrates elements of the 90s timeless Snake with satoshis, the tiniest denomination of Bitcoin. While the game appears simple, it is competitive and addicting. Gamers registered on Chain Duel by sending out satoshis to the in-game Lightning Network address with a payment note as their name. The winner of the competition took home the pot of 1,520,000 satoshis, valued at more than $300.Lightning-enabled interactions were a prominent function throughout Honeybadger. All the conference food trucks accepted Bitcoin and Bitcoin Lightning payments, and every merchant who spoke with Cointelegraph commented that its easier and faster to pay with Lighting than card payments. Plus, Lightning avoids the costs charged by Mastercard and Visa.In overall, more than 1.1 BTC ($27,600) was paid over Lightning over the course of the conference. BTCPay Server, the group behind the payment terminals, shared the data on social media.Honeybadgers Lightning-enabled card racing against somebody elses NFC card at a coffee truck.Basement Bar, a Latvian bar in the town hall, was swarmed with Bitcoin lovers keen to pay in satoshis. As a Bitcoin-friendly location, it ended up being the de facto hang-out spot over the weekend as clients tapped, zapped and scanned Bitcoin as their chosen methods of payment.Indeed, the Bitcoin-critic meme “No one utilizes Lightning” was undermined by occasions, conversation and action at Baltic Honeybadger. The word “Lightning” featured in eight of the talks, and discussions varied from Breez CEO Roy Sheinfeld discussing offline payments to descriptions of smart agreements on Lightning and Synota CEO Austin Mitchell describing that “Lightning is transactive energy.”Sam Wouters, a Bitcoin research study analyst at River, summed up Lightnings scenario with regard to the Bitcoin network:”Lightning is likely part of the scaling puzzle. Lightning purchased us time.”In all, the Baltic Honeybadger conference changed headline-grabbing announcements familiar to large Bitcoin conferences with backroom conversations and disputes. Privacy took precedence over picture chances, while fiat payments were overtaken by Lightning. Baltic Honeybadger was a call to action for cypherpunk concepts. Its often forgotten that Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin, was likewise a cypherpunk. They did not expose their identity and vanished the minute Bitcoin made a relocation into the mainstream.

Many Bitcoin conferences around the world have been converted into social media minutes and selfie opportunities thanks to the growing mainstream appeal of Bitcoin and the propulsion of telegenic Bitcoin advocates such as Michael Saylor, Natalie Brunell and Jack Mallers onto television screens across the United States. Rigel Walshe of Swan Bitcoin said the Bitcoin 2021 conference in Miami felt like a Christian rock celebration. Why else would thousands of young people come together to view crusty old men talk about esoteric principles such as sound money or salvation, he joked.Rigel Walshe compared and contrasted Bitcoin and religion.If Miamis Bitcoin conference was a rock festival, Honeybadger was a dive bar, where anything was up for discussion, from nuclear war to Miniscript, from human rights to hamster wheels.,” saw Blockstream CEO Adam Back double down on his claim that Bitcoin would strike all-time highs prior to the Bitcoin halving in April 2024.”Sam Wouters, a Bitcoin research analyst at River, summed up Lightnings situation with regard to the Bitcoin network:”Lightning is most likely part of the scaling puzzle.

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