The World Of Tomorrow: Seven Trends In Bitcoin Mining And Energy

Today, in suitable places, wind and solar energy are already the least expensive and most efficient ways of producing energy.With popular pressure for a cleaner energy matrix and more investment in research study, this pattern will intensify. A repercussion of this logic is that without the requirement to charge the last customer for the production of surplus energy, the price of energy will reduce substantially. Bitcoin Mining And Energy Sectors Will Merge We currently believe of bitcoin mining and energy sectors as two independent sectors, but in the future they will merge. Currently, human beings stop working to take benefit of a considerable part of the energy they produce since it is not feasible to save this energy and transfer. When we began to access energy focused and stored over millions of years by geological processes, the so-called fossil fuels, we ended up being an industrial society and our population exploded.The monetization of idle and stranded energy capability, whether solar in deserts, winds or geothermal potential on volcanic islands, will allow us to take the 3rd evolutionary leap in terms of energy use.

Bitcoin Mining And Energy Sectors Will Merge We presently think of bitcoin mining and energy sectors as two independent sectors, however in the future they will combine. The Third Energy Revolution Finally, it is worth keeping in mind that energy is the only universal currency. When we started to access energy focused and stored over millions of years by geological procedures, the so-called fossil fuels, we ended up being an industrial society and our population exploded.The money making of stranded and idle energy capacity, whether solar in deserts, winds or geothermal potential on volcanic islands, will allow us to take the 3rd evolutionary leap in terms of energy use.

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