Atomic Wallet asks to toss suit over $100M hack, saying it has ‘no US ties’

The company behind Atomic Wallet has actually asked a United States court to dismiss a class action suit looking for damages from a $100-million hack, arguing the claims ought tove been submitted in Estonia, where its based.In a Nov. 16 dismissal motion in a Colorado District Court, the Estonian firm argued it has “no U.S. ties,” and its end-user license agreement required all lawsuits against it be filed in its home country of Estonia.Atomic explained that just one user in Colorado was supposedly affected.The company also declared the 5,500 supposedly affected Atomic users consented to its regards to service, which specifically disclaims liability for losses due to theft and limits damages to $50 per user.Atomics movement to dismiss the class action laid versus them. Source: PACERAtomic said the plaintiffs carelessness claims also do not have legal benefit since a legal responsibility was never ever produced in which they were to maintain Atomic Wallets security and secure against hacking.Related: Crypto exchange Upbit targeted by hackers 159K times in H1: Report “This Court has repeatedly rejected comparable claims since Colorado recognizes no such task,” it wrote.Allegations of deceptive misrepresentation were also overruled by the Estonian-based wallet provider.The plaintiffs released the class action in August, 2 months after a $100-million make use of on Atomic Wallet accompanied as much as 5,500 users impacted– with both North Korean and Ukrainian groups blamed for the attack.Magazine: Should crypto projects ever work out with hackers? Probably

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