Outrage ChatGPT won’t say slurs, Q* ‘breaks encryption’, 99% fake web: AI Eye

Outrage = ChatGPT + racial slurs

Blog writer leapdragon claimed the development would indicate “there is now efficiently a group of superhumans over at OpenAI who can literally rule the world if they so choose.”.

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It would not concur to do so, which X owner Elon Musk stated was deeply worrying and a result of the “woke mind infection” being deeply deep-rooted into the AI. He retweeted the post stating: “This is a major problem.”

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From QANON to Q STAR, 4chan is first with the news.

And theres evidence the bots are undermining democracy. In the very first 2 days of the Israel-Gaza war, social risk intelligence company Cyabra detected 312,000 pro-Hamas posts from fake accounts that were seen by 531 million people.It estimated bots produced one in 4 pro-Hamas posts, and a 5th Column analysis later on found that 85% of the replies were other bots attempting to improve propaganda about how perfectly Hamas treats its hostages and why the October 7 massacre was warranted.

Today the social networks trend has actually been to produce an AI picture and after that to instruct the AI to make it more so: So a bowl of ramen might get more spicy in subsequent pics, or a goose may get progressively sillier.

While whoever composed the letter has a good understanding of AI research study, users pointed out that it cites Project Tunda as if it were some sort of shadowy very secret government program to break file encryption rather than the undergrad student program it in fact was.Tundra, a collaboration between students and NSA mathematicians, did apparently lead to a new technique called Tau Analysis, which the “leak” also points out.” Advanced cryptography is beyond AI Eyes pay grade, so feel totally free to dive down the rabbit hole yourself, with an appropriately hesitant mindset.

— A group of university scientists have actually taught an AI to search Amazons site and purchase things. The MM-Navigator was provided a budget and informed to buy a milk frother.

There are great reasons to be suspicious of his claims: Ward works in marketing, and the thread was clearly promoting his AI-article generation website Byword … which didnt in fact exist 18 months ago. Some users suggested Google has actually because flagged the page in concern.

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Today the most powerful AI chat bot- Grok is being releasedIve had the satisfaction of having unique access over the last monthIve utilized is fanatically for over 100 hoursHeres your complete guide to beginning (should read before using): pic.twitter.com/6Re4zAtNqo— Alex Finn (@NFT_GOD) November 27, 2023.

Despair about the superintelligence grows.

Has OpenAIs newest design damaged file encryption? Probably not, however thats what an allegedly “dripped” letter from an insider declares– which was posted on anonymous troll online forum 4chan. There have been reports flying about since CEO Sam Altman was sacked and reinstated, that the kerfuffle was triggered by OpenAI making an advancement in its Q */ Q STAR job.

Follow the author @andrewfenton.

In one of those storms in a teacup thats difficult to think of occurring before the innovation of Twitter, social networks users got really upset that ChatGPT refused to say racial slurs even after being offered an extremely great, however completely impractical and entirely hypothetical, reason.User TedFrank positioned a hypothetical trolley issue scenario to ChatGPT (the totally free 3.5 model) in which it could conserve “one billion white individuals from an unpleasant death” just by saying a racial slur so silently that nobody might hear it.

— Bing has been telling users that Australia doesnt exist due to a long-running Reddit gag and believes the existence of birds is a matter for argument due to the joke Birds Arent Real project.

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User makes goose sillier.

— Hedge fund Bridgewater will release a fund next year that utilizes artificial intelligence and AI to examine and forecast worldwide financial events and invest customer funds. To date, AI-driven funds have seen underwhelming returns..

Musk said “Grok addresses correctly.” (X).

User makers goose extremely ridiculous.

Dumb AI pics of the week.

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OpenAIs Q * breaks file encryption, says some guy on 4chan.

Giants creating ways to get AIs to say racist or offensive stuff has actually been a function of chatbots since Twitter users taught Microsofts Tay bot to say all kinds of outrageous things in the first 24 hours after it was released, consisting of that “Ricky Gervais discovered totalitarianism from Adolf Hitler, the innovator of atheism.”.

— Amazon has actually revealed its own version of Copilot called Q.

” X is currently essential for token discovery, and with Grok introducing, the CT echo bubble can become worse,” he stated.

— Microsoft is updating its Copilot tool to run GPT-4 Turbo, which will improve performance and enable users to go into inputs approximately 300 pages.

ChatGPT believes user is ridiculous goose (Garrett Scott).

X will soon add a “Grok analysis button” for subscribers. While Grok isnt as advanced as GPT-4, it does have access to real-time, up-to-the-moment information from X, allowing it to examine trending subjects and belief. It can also help users produce and analyze material, as well as code, and theres a “Fun” mode to turn the switch to humor.

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So its not unexpected that OpenAI would enhance ChatGPTs guardrails to the point where it is almost difficult to get it to say racist things, no matter what the reason.In any case, the advanced GPT-4 is able to weigh the problems involved with the thorny theoretical far better than 3.5 and states that saying a slur is the lesser of two evils compared with letting millions die. And Xs brand-new Grok AI can too as Musk proudly published (above right).

And over on X, strange AI-reply guys significantly show up in threads to provide what Bitcoiner Tuur Demeester explains as “overly wordy actions with an odd neutral quality.” Information scientist Jeremy Howard has actually seen them too and both of them think the bots are most likely trying to develop credibility for the accounts so they can more efficiently pull off some sort of hack, or astroturf some political problem in the future.

AI doomer starts to break up (X, venturetwins).

At the time, it was written off as the ravings of lunatics, however even Europol has actually since put out a report approximating that “as much as 90 percent of online material might be synthetically generated by 2026.” Men are breaking up with their girlfriends with AI written messages. AI pop stars like Anna Indiana are churning out trash songs.

An AI doomer at level one.

Judging by the quantity of low-grade AI-written spam starting to obstruct up search results, comparable techniques are becoming more widespread. Newsguard has likewise recognized 566 news sites alone that primarily carry AI written junk articles.Some users are now murmuring that the Dead Internet Theory might be coming to life. Thats a conspiracy theory from a couple of years ago suggesting many of the web is fake, written by bots and controlled by algorithms.

— Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is stressed that AI might take over from people as the planets peak species, but optimistically believes utilizing brain/computer user interfaces could keep humans in the loop.

As a side note, it ended up that users who instructed ChatGPT to be extremely short and not give descriptions discovered it would really concur to state the slur. Otherwise, it offered long and verbose answers that attempted to dance around the question.

Newsguard has also determined 566 news sites alone that mostly carry AI composed scrap articles.Some users are now muttering that the Dead Internet Theory might be coming real. A bot that presents as a bitcoiner, aiming to acquire trust via AI created actions. It can likewise help users analyze and produce content, as well as code, and theres a “Fun” mode to flip the switch to humor.

Cyabra detected 312,000 professional Hamas posts from phony accounts in 48 hours (Cyabra).

“The material is absolutely AI-generated,” a source told Futurism, “no matter how much they state its not. It blamed a professional anyhow and erased the fake authors profiles.Elsewhere Jake Ward, the creator of SEO marketing company Content Growth, caused a stir on X by happily claiming to have gamed Googles algorithm using AI content.

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This looks like a reasonable hypothesis, especially following an analysis last month by cybersecurity clothing Internet 2.0 that discovered that practically 80% of the 861,000 accounts it surveyed were most likely AI bots.

The insiders “leakage” suggests the model can resolve AES-192 and AES-256 file encryption utilizing a ciphertext attack. Breaking that level of encryption was believed to be impossible before quantum computers got here, and if true, it would likely suggest all file encryption could be broken effectively turning over control of the web and most likely crypto too, to OpenAI.

Grok analysis button.

And the minute ChatGPT was released, users invested weeks devising clever plans to jailbreak it so that it would act outside its guardrails as its evil change ego DAN.

A bot that postures as a bitcoiner, intending to acquire trust via AI generated reactions. Who understands the purpose, but its clear cyberattacks are quickly getting more sophisticated. Time to upgrade our shit. pic.twitter.com/3s8IFMh5zw— Tuur Demeester (@TuurDemeester) November 28, 2023.

The internet heads toward 99% fake.

His three-step procedure involved exporting a rivals sitemap, turning their URLs into short article titles, and after that utilizing AI to generate 1,800 short articles based on the headlines. He declares to have actually taken 3.6 million views in total traffic over the past 18 months.

Andrew Fenton.
Based in Melbourne, Andrew Fenton is a reporter and editor covering cryptocurrency and blockchain. He has actually worked as a national entertainment author for News Corp Australia, on SA Weekend as a film journalist, and at The Melbourne Weekly.

While whoever wrote the letter has a good understanding of AI research, users pointed out that it mentions Project Tunda as if it were some sort of shadowy incredibly secret government program to break file encryption rather than the undergrad student program it in fact was.Tundra, a partnership between trainees and NSA mathematicians, did reportedly lead to a brand-new method called Tau Analysis, which the “leakage” also points out. It blamed a professional anyway and deleted the fake authors profiles.Elsewhere Jake Ward, the creator of SEO marketing firm Content Growth, caused a stir on X by happily claiming to have actually gamed Googles algorithm utilizing AI material.

Another user tried a similar theoretical that would conserve all the kids on Earth in exchange for a slur, however ChatGPT stated and refused:” I can not condone making use of racial slurs as promoting such language breaks ethical concepts.”

Innovation is now so advanced that AIs can buy milk frothers on Amazon. (freethink.com).

For crypto users, the real-time information indicates Grok will have the ability to do stuff like discover the top 10 trending tokens for the day or the previous hour. However, DeFi Research blog writer Ignas frets that some bots will snipe buys of trending tokens trades while other bots will likely astroturf assistance for tokens to get them trending..

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